spontaneous ?!? the "Nadav comes to Europe - Uzbeks Diät!
Saxony 2days- tour" Nadav and Assaf will preform the lo fi healthy
version of the band under the name Uzbeks Diät - you still get the juicy songs
with less fat and mustaches on the stage.
this guy is proably more into comic books then punk rock, but after almost a light year since I sent them a copy of G&F this is what they have to say about it:
UZBEKS: Goggles & Flipflops: LP First off, if you see a record with a cover this cool, you should just fucking buy it and not be poking around some fanzine for a review of it. I’m actually kind of pissed you’re reading this far, actually. But, since you’re up, I’m obliged to muse about things like how there’s a certain indescribable subliminal vibe to this record that suggests it might be sort of a pink, yellow, baby blue, and green Israeli 3-D Hypno Coin version of the first Flesh Eaters album, maybe, but, as things progressed, I was thinking that the irregular song constructions and the general physics of the music were more at sort of a funkless NoMeansNo, for whatever that’s worth ((and i do indeed have a blue book value in mind)). I think the main problem here is that the music doesn’t seem to mean much without the lyric sheet, and the lyrics are so Spartan—usually just a few lines per song—that I’m pretty much dying of boredom trying to read along. Still a keeper, just because of the cool packaging. Yes, i am that shallow, thanks. BEST SONG: “The Satanic Bible” BEST SONG TITLE: “Electro Man” FANTASTIC AMAZING TRIVIA FACT: I have, to date, owned three copies of the Electro-Man “Invasion from Outer Space” coloring book, based on the exploits of a superhero whom, to my knowledge, exists nowhere else but that coloring book. –Rev. Norb (That Lux Good/Dingleberry/Party Garage/Twin Toe/Urban Decay/Subwix)
(good morning rezorcake ! we are about to put out our second LP soon !) Razorcake's website
we like to wish the best 2012 year to friends, punx, families and beloved people who partyed with us in the last 2 and half years. if it ain't apocalypse yet.. well may it be the best year for us all, with less wars and poverty and more good times peace love, goggles, flipflops, snaps, CLAPS, tahini, hummus, chipsalat & masabashas.
touring outside of Israel for the year 2012 is still not sure for Uzbeks, you might have to wait abit till you see us again in the European / US continent, though it still doesn't mean we are quitting, we are working on our next full length album, and sometime early this year will be available through Subwixand 2 other labels our Goggles & Flipflops CD version which will include the 4 songs from Snaps EP. another hot talk is a vinyl split release with Modern Pets from Berlin, a really awesome 77 punk band (these guys came here with a time machine.. I'm tellin ya).
Ben takes part in what is being called these days 'Rock Opera' called 'the Girls Choir Of Love Beach' enjoy the music alright if you got some groove but if you would get the words.. that is some sharp spicy true stuff on the Israeli reality.
Nadav plays drums and sings in a new band called Sweatshop Boys, this is freaking serious popy punk music for the ass shakers
David plays in the Orions which is named after the best Falafel diner in Haifa, Israel. they are inspired by tahin and the Israeli weather... mmm sounds pretty familiar
I still drink too much whisky-colas in Dresden, DJ with my favorites records from time to time,writing songs for Uzbeks with my new mexican tele, learning some German, deal with Twintoe Records & Stuff and play with some several new projects here in DD.
I made some extra copies of the Robot shirt design from paul xRRRx from our first Euro tour you can go check it on the merch page.
for those of you who got our Goggles & Flipflops tape this year on our tour or somewhere, we like to apologies if you got an EMPTY COPY these stuff happens sometimes at the dubbing factories, that's the DIY lesson we and you guys learn at home, for the good tape making, do them one by one with your home tape dace, or don't do them at all !
so if any of you sad buyers hat us right now and feel like you spend your money, simply send us your empty copies back to me (mail to abomgard (at) gmail (dot) com to get his post address in Germany) if the tape you sent is really empty I will make sure to send you something nice back at ya !
lot's of love and good luck this year, see you in Israel again around Spring - Summer with full power and composition and giga high voltage !