Mein Bild
Ben Gad Nadav Assaf David(a partying 5-piece juicy punk rock n' roll from Israel, ch ch ch checkit !)

Samstag, 3. November 2012

Uzbeks Diät !

Uz spontaneous ?!?
the "Nadav comes to Europe - Uzbeks Diät! Saxony 2days- tour"
Nadav and Assaf will preform the lo fi healthy version of the band under the name Uzbeks Diät - you still get the juicy songs with less fat and mustaches on the stage.

2 chances to join the party!:
1) 6.8 
Chemiefabrik Dresden (Chemo) w/ Dasa Fon Flasa , The Lombego Surfers
2) 8.8 @ Similde, Leipzig

bring your pretty faces and hand claps (to the beat!)